What We Believe

If you are not familiar with the Missouri Synod's Beliefs and Practices or for those who want to review these, click on the link below.

Practices and Beliefs


“What About?” is a series of pamphlets that addresses doctrinal topics, moral issues, and concerns in the church to help Christians grow in their understanding of these important questions. The 27 pamphlets were written by Rev. Dr. A.L. Barry, former president of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. Choose a topic below to read more:



Being A Lutheran

Christian Families

Christian Stewardship

Confession and Absolution

Creation and Evolution

Death and Dying

Fellowship in the Lord's Supper

Holy Baptism


Living Together Without Marriage

Lutheran Worship


Telling the Good News about Jesus

The Apostles' Creed

The Bible

The Difference Between the ELCA and the LCMS

The Gospel

The Lord's Prayer

The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod

The New Millennium

The Ordination of Women to the Pastoral Office

The Sacrament of the Altar

The Small Catechism

The Ten Commandments
